Monday, July 30, 2012

First pics of recovery

Cool panarama shot with my new phone
Ventilator tube, chest bandage
We got to see her a lot earlier than expected too!  Just as in the last surgery she is starting out with a gazillion tubes, wires, and bandages.  She is still on the ventilator, but the plan is to extubate early tomorrow. She has pacemaker leads, but no pacemaker for now.  She was getting extra sugars when we came in - her blood sugar was low right after surgery.  Then it was high... so that is already gone.

Megan and a family friend (Stacie) donated blood for this surgery, and it looks like both were used.  You can see the tail end of Stacie's blood in the rack.

Holding Mommy's hand
Versed and Fentanil are being given for pain and to keep her sedated for now.  The ventilator is adding oxygen - 80% mixture as of a few minutes ago (down from 90).  That will be reduced as the night progresses to prepare her for extubation.

I could probably go on for another hour, but as Megan points out - you all want to see the pictures.  So here are a bunch:

Holding Mommy's hand... again

Umm, you guessed it

Played around forever trying to get these to present in some reasonable manner and totally failed.  But you get the idea...

More to come tomorrow!


  1. A late happy 4 months to that sweet girl! Keeping you in thoughts and prayers

    Barbara Morgan

  2. Thank you for sharing so much. It's amazing to me the technology involved. She's a strong darling. Excellent that Megan's and Stacy's blood could be used specifically for Muriel - very moving. Love to you all.

  3. So glad to hear how wonderful she is doing. Thank you for keeping us updated. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the great work Super Baby!

    Katie O'Boyle
