Tuesday, May 1, 2012

From Megan

So I am going to attempt to begin creating posts of our time at home. Up until this point, it has been a challenge to keep our heads above water. Not that everything is hunky-dory now, but I do feel as if some semblance of normalcy and routine has been established. Here is what our day looks like: Muriel eats every 3 hours, whether she likes it or not (unfortunately, it is usually the latter). First we attempt a small amount of breast milk with added formula for extra calories in a bottle. She then gets the rest of her feeding via NG tube and syringe. This whole process takes about an hour. As of late we have had troubles with Muriel keeping her food down. She is still gaining weight, but it is so frustrating and heart wrenching to spend an hour getting her fed only to have it come back up for seemingly no reason! Alas, we can't complain; she came home at 6lbs. 12oz. and is now 8lbs. 7oz.! I also try to pump every time she is fed, which takes about a half hour so basically 12 out of every 24 hours is devoted to feeding!

I wish Muriel would take a cue from her big sisters who are fantastic eaters!

The girls are eating a meal brought from one of my fantastic coworkers! I work with kind, generous, caring people who have been bringing delicious meals to our family. My mom and Madeline and Mirabelle were very appreciative of the meals when we were gone for those weeks in the hospital. Now Jeff and I have been enjoying the culinary talents of my Peterson family! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It has been a tremendous gift and I cannot express how much we appreciate the meals, toys, household supplies, and groceries!

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