Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Surprise! Time to be born!

We have been traveling to Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn (Chicago) twice a week since the beginning of January so Megan can be evaluated by stress test, echo cardiograms, and to meet with the cardiology and MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) teams.  On our regular Wednesday afternoon appointment during her stress test, Megan had a contraction and the baby's heart rate dropped.  This was actually to be our last Wednesday appointment, as a few weeks back we chose Monday April 2nd as the inducement date.

The "deceleration" was enough to convince our OB that the time had come.  We are two days shy of 39 weeks, so basically full term.  He doesn't feel that waiting until Monday has any real benefit, and that any sign of trouble at this point is enough to get things moving.  So we aren't allowed to leave!

We are checked into the labor and delivery ward expecting to receive the first drugs around 3AM.  The first drug, Cervitol (a prostaglandin), dilates the cervix to prepare it for labor.  Later in the morning Pitocin will be administered, which will begin labor.  Birthday should be 3/29/12!

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